Location: 42139 SD Hwy 38 Alexandria, SD

About Us

Where Equestrians and their trusty steeds, rest their weary bones for the night

Meet Your Host:  Brenda

Brenda Schulte is a South Dakota native that has been enjoying horses and equine events for over 50 years.  After losing her husband in 2021, she dove into work and created an overnight camping stay for horse minded people.  Read her story below and welcome to “38 Special Horse Hotel” camping.  We look forward to meeting you and sharing stories.

After my husband of 35 years passed away in 2021, I needed a project to keep me busy.  I was determined to stay on our farm and do what I could to take care of the place as my husband would have.  My brother-in-law was out helping me put tin on one of the barns and asked me what I was going to do with my grain bins that are located in the main farmyard area.  I really never like them there and told him so.  My BIL then said, “you should make one into a gazebo”!  One thing led to another, and we decided to go with windows instead of taking out rings for an outdoor area.  I realized I could do so much more with an enclosed space rather than outdoor seating. 

Thus, the birth of the “Luna Bin”! I know—what a crazy name—but there is a story behind it:  I had a dream one night and woke up with a very strong statement in my head, “name it Luna Bin!”  Luna means moon AND very well family.  The project really is all about FAMILY!  I feel so much love swirling around inside the bin—my sister says it is because there are no corners for love to get stuck in and she is right!

The Luna Bin has taken on a life of its own!  Since January 26, 2022, when the remodel began, remarkable things began to happen.  People are curious beings and since the grain bin is visible from the highway, people wanted to know what I was up to.  They could see the windows going in one-by-one, day after day things changed.  People started asking questions, making suggestions, and offering help in so many ways.

My sister had a cedar fence around a rental property she had and wanted to get rid of the fence.  I asked if I could have it and ended up with 30+ 6×8 foot sections which became the interior walls of the grain bin.  Not an easy task but it kept me busy all winter!  If you know South Dakota winters, you know how bundled up I was when working in the bin.  I did have a small heater to take the edge off so all was good!

As construction progressed, people began donating more things to the project.  My dear friend gave me the window cornice boards that I painted and installed, she also gave me a table, another donation from a family member was the braided rug on the floor.  I purchased the wood burner from my electrician at a great price!  I plan on doing some cooking on that stove!

Oh no! Another dream…I woke up with the overpowering idea of starting a horse hotel and using the Luna Bin and barn as rental property or gathering space for travelers.  Hey, why not both?! 

I then needed to make updates to the camping area.  I installed electric and water hook-ups placed in the farmyard which I will use as overflow, but the pasture space will not have RV hook-ups for a while.  I have set up 3 horse pens with water available, have a dump station and the Luna Bin club house for your comfort.  A fire pit is also available next to the bin, but we will need to follow the county burn bans as they happen.  I am working on getting Wi-Fi into the Luna Bin for your convenience, but since the bin is tin—it’s a challenge!

And this is how it happens, a life of its own!  I have plenty of space, miss being around people (now retired) and thought what better way to make the farm work for me rather than me work for the farm!  I don’t plan on getting rich—not the point—I expect my riches to be the great people and beautiful horses I’ll meet on this journey!